Tuesday 29 October 2013

How to track location of person on any chat box

How to track location of person on any chat box
How to Track an other person on facebook chat room
We will be track person by Location tracking codes, which you present in chat room
land on page with good pictures. meanwhile, the other chat buddy's IP Address is stored in a database. IP Look Up identify
Country, Near city, Local time, etc.. of the other buddy.

Step 1 :~ First of all Sign in on Click Here

Step 2 :~ Click on any one Landing page preview picture.

from bottom of this page

Select, 'Copy' (ctrl+C) 'Tracking Code' from that


Step 3 :~When you are in Live Chat with a buddy, Paste the track code in IM text box.

Ask your chat buddy to click and see the 'Picture'

Step 4 :~Give your chat buddy a little time to click and watch the 'picture'.

Now, click Track Result in "this page" and see your buddy's Location. 

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